What you need to know about the weather in Canada

Canadian weather has its own characteristics that must be considered. But how much do they interfere? And how often do Canadians suffer from hurricanes coming from the US? Hello dear friends. I am asked to tell about the climate, about the weather in Canada, how comfortable it is. To be honest, I don’t notice any difference, that is, I don’t see the weather here in Canada different from the weather, for example, of most European countries. The average temperature, which is here, both in winter and in summer, is quite comfortable. If we are talking about Quebec, we are talking about Montreal, in winter the average weather is about -17 degrees, according to my feelings, and in summer the average weather is + 23 + 25 degrees.

Moreover, after the country in which I lived, I do not think it’s wet, although some people say that it seems to them that it is quite wet in Toronto and Montreal. I would not say. In winter there is a lot of snow. Rarely, when there is a winter snowless, with a little snow. In Vancouver, the climate is milder due to the proximity of the ocean, and snow rarely falls in winter and usually melts right away. Vancouver, as well as the nearby city of Victoria, are considered the warmest throughout Canada. The transition from season to season is little perceptible. The only thing that changes is the frequency of rainy days.

The next point that I would like to cover is that sometimes acquaintances say to me: “Well, there’s a storm coming from the USA to you.” And, in fact, the question arises how these storms, which often sweep over the USA, reach Canada, to what extent they reach, with what strength, and how sensitive it is, how real Canada is suffering from all these storms of snow and snow that pass over US territory? I can say that they – it is true – reach us, but it is rather at the level of some kind of storm warning. In reality, it doesn’t have any kind of great power, some kind of megalabout, megafluence on Canada and is not reaching it. The maximum – they announce a storm warning, they say “be careful on the roads” – that’s all. I can say that we live here completely relaxed.

And what else do I want to say last about the weather, that it is necessary to separate two weathers, diametrically opposite, on the east and west coasts. Accordingly, on the east coast, our weather is pretty stable, dry, while on the west coast the weather is more rainy and wet. In this case, I’m talking about the weather in Vancouver. The weather is more unpredictable, although warmer, that is, the number of sunny days is really much less, and there is much more rainfall. Here, in fact, what I wanted to say about this. If you have any questions – ask, I will answer with pleasure. Goodbye, goodbye.